Reporting requirement according to §5 E-Commerce law, §14 Austrian Commercial Code, §63 Industrial Code and Disclosure obligation according to §25 Media law.
Scheer GmbH
Bräunerstraße 4, 1010 Vienna
Business purpose: shoemaker, retail with shoes
UID-number: ATU63813109
Registration number: FN 303286 i
Commercial Court of Registration: Commercial Court Vienna
Head Office: Bräunerstraße 4, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43 1 533 80 84
Fax: +43 1 532 98 92
Professional right: Industrial code:
Supervisory authority/Trade authority: Municiple authority of Vienna
Professional title: shoemaker, retail with shoes, advertising agency und advertising architecture
Managing Director
Scheer Markus, particular individual, with the right of sole representation
Shareholder: Scheer Markus, particular individual
Share: 100,00%
EU - Dispute Resolution
Information to the dispute resolution: consumers have the possibility to make an application to the online platform of the EU for dispute resolution: A possible appeal can also be applicated to the email address above.
Liability for contents on our website
We do not take liability for the correctness of all information provided on this website - especially for information on the part of any third parties. Please feel free to contact us immediately in case you notice problematic or illegal content. Our mail address:
Liability for links on our website
Our website contains links to other websites. We are not responsible for the content on websites produced by third parties. Please, feel free to contact us immediately in case you notice problematic or illegal content. Our mail address:
Copyright notice
The whole content on this website (images, videos, text) are subject to copyright. In case of unauthorized use ore sharing of this content we reserve the right to take legal action against the user.
Image credits
Images and graphics on this website are protected by copyright. The image right belongs to:
Studio Peter Rigaud (Agentur Shotview)